Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So You Can Be Trading Well Beyond Market Hours

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

Online trading is huge today with more people subscribing to various online trading service providers. In the earlier system of physical trading one had to be at the stock exchange to carry out trade.

That so many people have shifted to online trading can be attributed to a few definite reasons. If it was not possible for you to find the time out, then you would hire a broker for you who would have carried out the transactions on your behalf against a commission. They could charge significant brokerage, and they also at times wanted you to trade on stocks where he had more of a profit than you did. But many of us were not comfortable to working with individual brokers. With online trading you avoid such individual brokers altogether. Online trading also allows you to work according to the time that suits you.

The brokerage firms hosted online charge only a fraction of what the brokers charged earlier, and their services are also great with a lot of value- addition to your trading methods. So you can be trading well beyond market hours. Online trading has been made possible because of a combination of three factors. So you can buy the stocks after you finish your dinner or you can start your day making some crucial investments as you have your breakfast. First of all there has been a tremendous development in communication technology, with the internet breaking all barriers. And the software to handle online trading has also seen a lot of advances.

The computers have also developed immensely now with hardware that can be compared to supercomputers of a few decades ago. The kind of development we have seen on the hardware front is truly amazing. And all this data is real time. While you are trading online, you are basically dealing with a lot of data. As you see the data you need to analyze it and understand it. But for those software to perform and produce the best results the hardware in your computer must provide full support. There are software today that will do the same for you.

Today the processing speed of computers is amazing with processors of more than 3 GHz a common thing. Also has increased the HDD or the hard disk memory space with most computers coming with a minimum of 80 GB of free space. Along with it the RAM has also increased manifold with many computers today coming with 2 GB RAM if not more. Of course the upper limit is much higher. And not only has the hardware improved, the prices have also dropped ensuring computer penetration is maximum today.

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